
Brazil’s Accession to the Hague Protocol – Protection of Industrial Designs


Since August 2023, Brazil has acceded to the Hague Protocol, an agreement administered by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) that simplifies the process of protecting industrial designs in various member countries. Through a single application, made to WIPO, protection is extended to member countries where protection is desired. With a single application, it is already possible to protect the industrial design in up to 96 different markets (i.e. countries). This facilitates internationalization, reducing costs and bureaucracy.

What is Industrial Design?

It is the protection as property rights of plastic and ornamental forms or sets of lines and colors that have a new and distinctive visual appearance. Typical examples of protection by industrial designs are: furniture, jewelry, household utensils, prints, bags, automotive parts, tools. Exclusive ownership and use can be granted for up to 25 years.

Brazil’s integration into the Hague Protocol System is a breakthrough to align the country with international best practices for protecting industrial property rights. It adds to the international agreements that facilitate the protection of industrial property rights to which Brazil is already a party: Madrid Protocol (trademarks) and PCT (patents).

Material preparado pelas equipes de Empresarial Regulatório e Propriedade Intelectual.

Karin Klempp Franco

Patricia Ataulo

Gabriel Maran Ribeiro